
term_for_rgpd Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /fr/term/privacy-policy-webapp
# Route name Path Log
1 app_default_index / Path does not match
2 home_secure /{_locale} Path does not match
3 toggle_country /toggle-country/{locale}/ Path does not match
4 escape_game_quiz /{_locale}/escape-game/{escapeGameToken}/ Path does not match
5 escape_game_quiz_save_response /{_locale}/escape-game/quiz/save/{token}/{escapeGameToken}/ Path does not match
6 escape_game_quiz_done /{_locale}/escape-game/quiz/done/{token}/ Path does not match
7 escape_game_reset /{_locale}/escape-game/quiz/reset/{escapeGameToken}/ Path does not match
8 app_migration_migratenewcursus /migrations/cusus/ Path does not match
9 app_migration_migratejobvalidation /migrations/validate-jobs/ Path does not match
10 open_ai_index /open-api/sample-test/ Path does not match
11 app_openaitest_exportjobtotxt /open-api/export-job-to-xlsx/ Path does not match
12 request_open_ai /open-api/load/ Path does not match
13 password_reset /password/reset/{token}/ Path does not match
14 authorize_reset_password /password/reset/authorisation/{token} Path does not match
15 riasec_invitation_quiz_external /{_locale}/riasec-invitation/quiz/{token}/ Path does not match
16 riasec_invitation_quiz_done /{_locale}/riasec-invitation/quiz-done/ Path does not match
17 riasec_save_invitation_response /{_locale}/riasec-invitation/save-invitation-quiz/{token}/ Path does not match
18 app_index /{_locale}/index Path does not match
19 app_login /{_locale}/login Path does not match
20 term_for_rgpd /{_locale}/term/{type} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.